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关于征集“2018中国国际科普作品大赛” 科普选题的公告
























首先在大赛网站进行注册,登录后在 “个人中心”栏目填写个人资料后,方可参赛。点击“选题征集”栏目,根据提示上传选题。















联系人:司维  唐罡

联系电话:010-59041334  010-59041097


  Science, like a beacon, has illuminated the journey for the human kind to explore natural phenomena and laws!

  Technology, like wings, has taken us to soar in the sky for the pursuit of a better life and dream!

  There is no end in scientific exploration.

  There is change each passing day in technology innovation.

  If you are concerned about technological progress, and enthusiastic about science communication,

  If you have any problem that you want to understand but which you have no comprehension of,

  If you have any problem that you understand and also want others to understand,

  Well, please share it with us,

  Participate in our activities, and submit your selected topics,

  The next work is created for you!

  Once selected, multiple pleasant surprises are waiting for you!

  In order to build a platform for the exchange of popular science works, to promote the international exchanges and cooperation in the research, development and creation of popular science works, and to realize the reciprocation and sharing of popular science resources, China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) has officially launched the "2018 China International Contest of Popular Science Works". Centering on the selected popular science topics, the event is intended to facilitate the creation of popular science works favored by the general public. As such, we are now soliciting popular science selected topics throughout the world.
  I. Organizational Units
  Sponsor: China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
  Organizers: China Science and Technology Museum, Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology Museums in China, Chinese Association of Natural Science Museums
  II. Requirements for Selected Topics
  Selected topics shall be proposed by centering on basic scientific research, technological innovation, and hot issues in social lives.
  1. Basic Scientific Research: Revealing the laws of nature and acquire new knowledge, principles and methods based on human's understanding of natural phenomena, embodying the scientific concepts and scientific spirit formed and condensed by human beings in the process of exploring laws and pursuing the truth by focusing on mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geosciences and biology and other basic subjects. For example: the optical properties of conic section, force & reaction force, the radioactivity discovered by Becker Leer, the revelation of true features in thunder and lightning revealed by Franklin's kite experiment, etc.
  2. Technological Innovation: Focusing on the key areas of economic and social developments, centering on agriculture, energy, resources, environment, oceans, transportation, biotechnology, information technology, laser technology, aerospace technology, new material technologies, and advanced manufacturing technology, aiming at those major scientific researches and achievements of technological inventions with forward-looking, pioneering and exploratory nature, and reflecting the transformations brought about by technological innovation to human kind and society. For example: the utilization of marine tidal energy, robot precision control, unmanned driving, and soft lunar landing, etc.
  3. Hot Issues in Social Lives: Sticking to long-term concerned healthy life, food safety, disaster prevention and mitigation, science fiction and other topics closely associated with the lives of the public, reflecting the increasingly widespread and profound impact brought by technological developments on the production and lives of the human society. For example, the prevention and control of major diseases, the role of food additives, scientific and technological interpretation in science fiction films, etc.
  III. Form of Participation
  The solicitation campaign shall be conducted via the Internet. First, registration shall be applied for at the contest website. Next, the participation of contest can be allowed only after the completion of logging in the "Personal Center" column and filling the personal information. Click on the "Call for Topics" column, and upload the selected topics according to the prompts.
  Any teams and individuals may apply to participate in the contest, regardless of nationalities or ages. There are no restrictions over the number of submissions.
  Duration of Solicitation: January 11- January 31, 2018.
  IV. Submission Requirements
  The popular science selected topics to be submitted should be comprised of such 3 contents as category of selected topics, theme of selected topics, and content description. All selected topics should be:
  1. with scientific nature.
  2. with new conceptions that can stimulate curiosity.
  3. with clear-cut topics and concise text that can facilitate the development and production of popular science works.
  4. with clear content description and accurate elaboration.
  V. Appraisal, Selection and Reward
  The form of online appraisal shall be adopted in the appraisal process of selected topics which includes two steps, i.e. classified screening and integrated appraisal & selection. An expert panel will be set up by the sponsor, so as to screen 800-1000 pieces from all the topics uploaded as the basic selected topics. Next, through the link of integrated appraisal & selection, 100 selected topics will be determined as the final ones to be released in this contest.

  The chosen basic selected topics will be released in the official website of the contest in February 2018. The teams or individuals in charge will receive the honorary certificates of "Popular Science Envoy" from the sponsor. The basic selected topics will be included in the material library of CAST as the basic selected topics serving the needs of the public for popular science in the long term.

  10 authors will be randomly selected from among 100 popular science selected topics, and they will be qualified for participation in 2018 World Conference on Public Science Literacy free of charge.
  The chosen selected topics will have the chance to be included into the list of selected topics of the "2018 China International Contest of Popular Science Works", and will be released throughout the world for the solicitation of popular science works.
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