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开博时间:2016-07-01 14:43:00




2011-07-06 15:25:17


目次  2011年1C




卷首语 Editorial
10   冬麦增产已定,收购“有价无市”
资讯 News
20  法国肖邦“最新一代谷物品质分析技术高级应用研讨
22  “东方香米”平价有机粮成为餐桌新宠等2则
36  重庆整顿食用油市场,散装油或将退市等3则
37   未来油菜籽收购价或保持稳定等4则
38   路易·乐斯福亚太区选拔赛圆满落幕等6则
专栏 Column
24  全谷物食品
高端访谈 Top Interview
26 安陆粮机,未来可期
产业 Industry
28  取消过氧化苯甲酰后我国小麦粉加工业面临的问题与挑战
流通 Sales
31 新产小麦价,今年有点“疯”
33  旱涝急转 籼稻米市场变数重重
产品 Products
39   ZLGO-0真空吸滤机等5则
40   SF系列吸粮机等5则

油脂工程 Oil
41 王 政等  不同培养基对粘红酵母油脂积累的研究
45 刘 辉等  微波辅助提取肉豆蔻油的工艺优化
48 曹维金等  罗勒子油脂提取工艺的比较研究及其脂肪酸组
51 涂向辉   油脂精炼过程对油脂色泽的影响及控制
54 汪 鸿等   焙烤食品中脂质的应用
58 刘中华等   微波辅助提取低温豆粕中的大豆蛋白
61 熊 拯等   大豆分离蛋白-阴离子多糖复合体系起泡性能研究
64 阎 杰等   花生蛋白乙酰化改性的适宜条件
69 张文英等   超声波辅助提取菜籽粕中蛋白的工艺研究
72 秦 杰等   不同分子量花生多肽抗氧化活性研究
74 谢志军等   必须重视油脂工程的工艺装备质量问题
77 李瑞君等   植物油化学改性做润滑油研究进展
80 张照亮等   生物柴油反应器研究进展
84 杜 娟等   大豆KTi基因和SBA基因双价RNAi
粮食工程 Cereal
87 聂丽洁等  特种玉米品种籽粒品质特性的比较
91 王春明等  蚕豆组成及加工利用进展
94 胡耀辉等  乳酸菌发酵法应用于荞麦粉改性的研究
97 方旭君等   大米中黄曲霉毒素B1检测方法研究
99 卞 科等   正交试验法优化谷朊粉中蛋白质的提取条件
102 唐淑芬等   糙米发芽过程中总糖和还原糖的含量变化研究
105 王 刚等   基于nRF905的干燥过程粮食温度与水分无线数
108 万果果等   粮堆密度的电磁波检测技术研究
111 魏宏波等   大型粮库监测系统的设计
淀粉工程 Starch
114 吴胜旭等  微波-乙醇沉淀法制备抗性糊精工艺研究
116 申 森等 超声波法制备酸解氧化淀粉的工艺研究
119 邹 建等 酶解辛烯基琥珀酸酐玉米淀粉特性研究
食品工程 Food
123 吴翠彦等  加工工艺对油炸方便烩面品质影响的研究
126 徐振方等  微波真空冷冻干燥中关键技术研究
129 田金强等  苦杏仁综合利用关键技术研究
133 王丽娟等  油菜叶蛋白的提取工艺研究
136 苗敬芝等  响应面法优化花生粕中膳食纤维提取工艺
139 黄小惠等 江蓠膳食纤维体外功能特性
142 董祺杰 燕麦片中纤维测定方法研究分析
145 岳贤田 表面活性剂增效超声波辅助提取香蕉皮中
148 李 燕等  正交试验法优选紫苏叶中总黄酮提取工艺
151 冯俊霞等 荧光法测定荷叶中总黄酮的含量
153 刘 洁等 多糖空间结构与生物活性相关性研究进展
156 肖 笛等 聚乙二醇法从琼脂中分离制备琼脂糖的
159 华慧颖等 脂肪酶的工业应用研究进展
163 王彦杰等 单糖和双糖对Bacillus subiLis产α-淀粉酶
167 刘军海等 金樱子中总鞣质提取工艺研究


封面 北京中棉紫光生物科技有限公司
封二   中机康元粮油装备(北京)有限公司
封三   西安坤伯工程技术开发有限责任公司
封底   长春吉大科学仪器设备有限公司
1    牧羊输送
2    中国农业机械化科学研究院
3   江苏迈安德食品机械有限公司
4    郑州四维粮油工程技术有限公司
5    山东迎春集团
6~7 山东凯斯达机械制造有限公司
8~9 湖南郴州粮油机械有限公司
11    南阳市华邦机械制造有限公司
13   河南华泰粮油机械工程有限公司
14   福斯赛诺分析仪器(苏州)有限公司
15   大连市高昌机器制造有限公司
17   肇东市东龙节能新技术有限公司
19  第十一届中国国际粮油产品及设备技术展览会
21  邯郸红光粮油机械有限公司
23  中国国际面业及精品食用油(郑州)展览会
171  深圳商机网有限公司
172  江苏牧羊集团粮食机械产品目录
173 江苏迈安德食品机械有限公司油脂机械目录
174 山东济宁宜尚管道设备安装有限公司
175  NF系列小型特色油过滤机
175 镇江斯伊格机械有限公司
176 申银集团国际有限公司


2011 June

41  Wang Zheng et al. Study on Oil Accumulation of Rhodotorula Glutinis in Different Media
45  Liu Hui, et al. Optimization of Microwave-assisted Extraction of Oil from  Nutmeg
48  Cao Weijin et al. Study on Extraction of Oil from Basil Fruit and Fatty Acid Analysis of Basil Fruit Ol by GC
51  Tu Xianghui The Discussion on the Influence and the Technical Control of Oil Decolorization in Oil Refining Process
54  Wang Hong et al.  The Application of Lipids and Lipid-related Emulsifiers in Baking Food
58  Liu Zhonghua et al. Microwave-assisted Extraction of Protein from Low-temperature Soybean Meal
61  Xiong  Zheng et al. Foam Property of SPI-Anionic Polysaccharides Complex
64  Yan Jie et al. Proper Conditions of Acetyl Modification of Peanut Protein
69 Zhang Wenying et al. Study on the Extraction Craft of Rapeseed Protein by Ultrasonic Wave
72  Qin Jie et al. Study on Antioxidant Activity of Different Molecular Weight Peanut Polypeptides
74  Xie Zhijun et al. Quality Problems of Process Equipment in Oil Engineering Must be Emphasized
77  Li Ruijun et al.  Progress of Research on Chemical Modification of Vegetable Oils as lubricant-oil
80  Zhang Zhaoliang  et al. Review on the Reactor of Biodiesel
84  Du Juan et al. Construction of RNAi Expressed Vector of Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor and Soybean Agglutinin Gene from Soybean
87  Nie Lijie et al. Comparison of Grain Quality among Special-Variety Corns
91  Wang Chunming et al. Compounds, Processing and Utilization of Broad Bean
94  Hui Yaohui et al.  Improving Properties of Buckwheat Powder by Lactobacillus Fermentation
97  Fang Xujun et al.  Study on Detecting Method of Aflatoxin B1 in Rice
99  Bian Ke et al. Optimization of Extraction Condition of Protein from Wheat Gluten By Orthogonal Test
102  Tang Shufen et al.  Study on Changes of Water-soluble Total Sugar and Reducing Sugar of the Brown Rice During the
 Period of Germination
105  Wang Gang et al. Design the System of Monitoring Wireless Date About Temperature and Moisture of Grain in the Drying
 Process Based on nRF905
108  Wan Guoguo et al. Research on Grain Piles Density of the Detection Technology by Electromagnetic Wave
111  Wei Hongbo et al. Design of  Monitoring System for large-scale Granary
114  Wu Shengxu et al. Research on the Processing Parameters of Microwave-ethanol Precipitation for Anti-maltodextrin Preparation
116  Shen Sen et al. Study on Ultrasonic Preparation of Acid-thinned and Oxidized Starch
119  Zou Jian et al.  The Research on the Characteristic of Enzymaic Osa Corn Sarvh
123  Wu Chuiyan et al. Effect of Processing Technology on Quality of Braised Noodles
126  Xu Zhenfang et al. Research On Key Technology Of Microwave Vacuum Froze- Drying
129  Tian Jinqiang et al.  Study on Key Technology of Multipurpose Use of Bitter Almond
133  Wang Lijuan et al.  Study on Extraction Process of Leaf Protein Concentrate(LPC) from Brassica napus L.
136  Miao Jingzhi et al.  Extraction Process Optimization of Dietary Fiber in Peanut Meal by Response Surface Analysis
139  Huang Xiaohui et al.  Function Characteristics of Dietary Fiber from Gracilaria in Vitro
142  Dong Qijie  Study on the Content of Dietary Fiber in Oatmeal
145  Yue Xiantian  Enhancing of Extraction of Pectin from Banana Peel by Combining Surfactant with Supersonic Wave
148  Li Yan et al. Optimum Extracting Technology for Total Flavonoids from Perilla Leaves by Orthogonal Experiment
151  Feng Junxia et al.  Determination of Total Flavonoids in Lotus Leaves by Spectro Fluorimetic
153  Liu jie et al. Study on Relationship Between Structure and Biological Activities of Polysaccharides
156  Xiao Di et al.  Research on Agarose Purified from Agar by Ethylene Glycol
159  Hua Huiying et al.  Research Advances About Industrial Application of Lipase
163  Wang Yanjie et al. Effect of Oligosaccharide on Activity of α-Amylase by B. subiLis
167  Liu Junhai et al. Study on the Extraction Technique of Tannins from Rosa Laevigate Michx

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