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小部分飞行员有自杀念头(科学60S) 0:00/0:00
最新发布时间: 2017-06-30

In an anonymous online survey, about 4 percent of surveyed pilots admitted to having suicidal thoughts within the last few weeks. Christopher Intagliata reports.播音\撰文:克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔(Christopher Intagliata)

据克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔(Christopher Intagliata)报道,在一次匿名线上调查中,约4%的飞行员在过去几周内有自杀念头。




In March 2015, the co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525 crashed the jet into the French Alps, killing himself and 149 others. Later on, investigators found out he'd googled poisons, and living wills. And he'd previously been treated for severe depression. And yet, his mental illness was mostly ignored by Lufthansa, the airline’s parent company.

2015年3月,德国之翼(Germanwings) 9525飞机的副驾驶员将飞机坠毁于法国阿尔卑斯山,造成他自己和其余149人丧生。之后,调查人员发现他曾谷歌搜索过毒药和生活希望。并且,他以前还接受过严重抑郁症的治疗。然而,他的心理疾病却被母公司汉莎航空公司(Lufthansa)忽视。

After the crash, researchers with the Harvard School of Public Health reached out to commercial pilots worldwide, advertising an anonymous survey about pilot health. Among other topics, it had a short section on mental health. The investigators found that nearly 13 percent of the 1,800 pilots surveyed met the standard criteria for depression. And seventy-five of them had had suicidal thoughts within the last few weeks. The study is in the journal Environmental Health. [Alexander C. Wu et al., Airplane pilot mental health and suicidal thoughts: a cross-sectional descriptive study via anonymous web-based survey]

在坠机事故之后,哈佛大学公共卫生学院的研究人员接触了全世界的商业飞行员,向他们宣传一个关于飞行员健康的匿名调查。在调查细目中,有一小节关注心理健康。研究人员发现,接受调查的1,800名飞行员中,近13%符合抑郁症的标准。其中七十五人在过去几个星期内曾有自杀念头。该调查发表在期刊《环境 健康》上。

Couple caveats: the researchers didn't clinically diagnose the pilots. And they can't compare rates of suicidal thoughts in pilots to rates you'd find among the general population, due to sampling issues. Still, you're probably wondering: should you be worried?


"The answer is no." Alexander Wu, a doctoral candidate in occupational epidemiology. "The data strongly support the fact that traveling by air is by far the safest form of public transportation. And our study does not change that fact. And we want everyone to know that for sure. They should not be afraid to fly." Still, he and his co-authors recommend that airlines boost their support for preventative mental health treatment. To make sure it's friendly skies for passengers—and pilots—alike.

“答案是不用担心。” 职业流行病学博士生亚历山大·吴说。“数据强烈支持以下事实:乘飞机旅行是目前最安全的公共交通形式,我们的研究并不改变这一事实,我们希望每个人都知道这一点,他们不应该害怕飞行。”不过,他和他的合作者建议航空公司加强对飞行员的预防性心理健康治疗,令飞行员和乘客一样都不要害怕飞行。


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