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阿拉斯加白鲸在听力测试中表现优秀(科学60S) 0:00/0:00
最新发布时间: 2018-09-17
 Researchers tested the hearing of beluga whales in an Alaskan bay and found that they seem to have suffered little hearing loss due to ocean noise. Christopher Intagliata reports.



撰文/播音 克里斯多佛·因塔利亚塔(Christopher Intagliata

翻译 许楠

审校 张艺箫

Credit: ©Royalty-Free/CORBIS

Beluga whales rely on a sharp sense of hearing to communicate, to navigate and to feed. But the ocean is a noisy place. There's commercial shipping, navy sonar, oil and gas extraction, pile driving, underwater explosions.


One way to tell if all that noise is affecting belugas: capture them for a routine physical. "So it's kind of like going to the doctor's office for them, but they're also kind of abducted by aliens at the same time."


Aran Mooney, a marine biologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He and his team captured 26 belugas in Alaska's Bristol Bay for a battery of checkups, including a hearing test.

树洞海洋学协会(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)的海洋生物学家阿兰·穆尼(Aran Mooney)和他的团队在阿拉斯加州的布里斯托湾抓捕了26只白鲸,并对它们进行了包括听力测试在内的一系列检查。

"We can play a very controlled, designed sound to the animal, a hearing test tone." Then they measured the beluga's brain response using an electrode on the animal's head.


The diagnosis? "They're doing fantastic—and they're better than what we thought they were going to be." And older belugas seemed to have less age-related hearing loss than aging dolphins screened in previous studies. The full bill of health is in the Journal of Experimental Biology [T. Aran Mooney et al., Variation in hearing within a wild population of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas)].

至于诊断结果呢?“它们做的很好——比我们预想的要好。”老年白鲸的听力与前人研究的老年海豚的听力比起来,由于年龄增长而损失的听力要更少一些。完整的检查资料被收录于实验生物学杂志(Journal of Experimental Biology[T. Aran Mooney et al., Variation in hearing within a wild population of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas)]

These belugas live in a relatively pristine environment, which might explain why they aced the hearing test. Animals in noisier waters might not fare so well, Mooney says. And the same might go for belugas as the volume slowly rises in the underwater Arctic.


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