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纽约市的老鼠携带病原体(科学60S) 0:00/0:00
最新发布时间: 2018-08-13
 Mice trapped in New York City apartment buildings harbored disease-causing bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes. Christopher Intagliata reports.



撰文\播音:克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔(Christopher Intagliata




Rats. They’re a defining feature of life in New York City, rustling in trash bags, scurrying along the subway tracks—and becoming famous for occasionally eating pizza. But these urban vermin  may be less of a threat to human health than their smaller, cuter cousins—the city’s mice.  



"They're in your buildings, and they get into your kitchen cupboards, and they get behind refrigerators. So they have a real potential to contaminate the environment that you actually live in."



Simon Williams is a microbiologist at Columbia University and the University of Western Australia. He and his colleagues trapped more than 400 mice in apartment building basements in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx. They took swabs of the mice's rear ends, gathered feces from the traps, and subjected both to a battery of genetic tests. 

西蒙·威廉姆斯(Simon Williams是哥伦比亚大学和西澳大利亚大学的微生物学家。他和他的同事们在曼哈顿、皇后区、布鲁克林和布朗克斯区的公寓地下室里捕捉了400多只老鼠。他们采集了老鼠的尾巴毛,从陷阱中收集了老鼠粪便,并进行了一系列的基因测试。


The mice harbored an array of disease-causing bacteria, like shigella, Clostridium difficile, salmonella. They also carried a suite of antibiotic-resistance genes, and viruses associated with insects, dogs, chickens and pigs. Mice from a Chelsea apartment building had the most pig virus—perhaps, the scientists say, because they live near the Meatpacking District, which used to have pork processing facilities before fashionable nightclubs took over. 



The details are in the journal mBio.


The mere fact that these microbes can be found in poop, though, isn't cause for immediate alarm. "You know we're not saying these bugs are all out to get us. We're just finding the genetic footprint. They're indicators, but we're not saying they're necessarily out there and there's a huge problem. So keep calm, in terms of the public health response." 



Further work might tease out whether there's transmission of bacteria between mice feces and humans. Until then, there are plenty of other New Yorkers to investigate. 

进一步的工作可能会弄清楚老鼠粪便和人类之间是否存在细菌传播。 在此之前,纽约还有很多其他的生物需要调查。


"Cockroach would be an amazing one to go onto next. I think they have real potential."


—Christopher Intagliata

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