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为什么这个研究员为科学游行?(科学60S) 0:00/0:00
最新发布时间: 2017-09-30

Lisa Klein, from the materials science and engineering department at Rutgers University, commented on the March for Science at an April 21 talk to the chemistry department at Lehman College in the Bronx. 

来自罗格斯大学材料科学和工程系的莉萨·克莱因(Lisa Klein)在421日时同布朗克斯区雷曼学院化学系的讲话中谈到了“为科学游行” 


撰文/播音:史蒂夫·米尔斯基(Steve Mirsky) 




 “And tomorrow I’ll be marching, because don’t you think Millie would agree with the March for Science.” 



Lisa Klein, from the materials science and engineering department at Rutgers University in New Jersey. On Friday evening, April 21st, she gave a talk to the chemistry department at Lehman College in the Bronx. She was filling in for the scheduled speaker, her friend Millie Dresselhaus, who sadly died in February at the age of 86. Dresselhaus, who was raised in the Bronx, was the recipient of the National Medal of Science and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. 

莉萨·克莱因来自新泽西罗格斯大学的材料科学与工程学院421日周五晚上她为布朗克斯区雷曼大学的化学系作了报告[MY1] 。她是之前主讲人的替补。之前的主讲人米利·德雷瑟尔(Millie Dresselhaus)是她的朋友,令人伤心的是她死于今年二月,享年86岁。 


“On Earth Day we need to take care of our planet, remind others it’s the only one we have. And the March for Science in New Jersey is in Trenton. The emblem for the march in D.C. is Science, Not Silence because science means fact-based policies, free inquiry, strong public education.” 

在地球日这天, 我们得关心这个我们拥有的星球, 并且提醒大家我们只有这一个地球。今年的 ‘为科学游行’在新泽西州的特伦顿举行。在特区的游行标志是‘科学,不再缄默’。因为科学意味着据事实提出的政策,自由探索的精神,和良好的公共教育。 


She also told a story about an incident that might have helped motivate her decision to march for science. She mentions STEM, which stands for science, technology, engineering and math, usually in an educational context. 

她还讲述了一个促使她参加游行的事情。她提到了在教育背景下的STEM,这四个字母分别代表着 “科学,技术,工程,数学。” 


“On March 28th, Education Secretary DeVos and the president’s daughter were filmed taking a group of young women to the National Air and Space Museum, where the president’s daughter said that the boys should empower the girls to stay in STEM, and I ask do we really need the boys’ permission? And shortly after that the budget was delivered to Congress where the president removed NASA’s Office of Education, which works to promote STEM for girls along with other educational initiatives. Let’s move on.” [laughter] 

328, 教育部长德沃斯(DeVos)和总统的女儿被拍下带着一群年轻女子去国家航空航天博物馆。总统女儿说男孩子们应该允许女孩子们留在STEM学科里,而我觉得我们真的需要男孩子们的许可吗?就在预算上交给国会不久之后,总统取消了美国国家航空航天局的教育办公室,这个办公室旨在通过其他教育措施促进女孩们对STEM的热爱。让我们为科学教育继续前行吧。 ” [笑声] 


—Steve Mirsky 


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