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钢琴课有助提高语言技能(科学60S) 0:00/0:00
最新发布时间: 2018-10-09
 Six months of piano lessons can heighten kindergartners' brain responses to different pitches, and improve their ability to tell apart two similar-sounding words. Christopher Intagliata reports.


撰文/播音 克里斯多佛因塔利亚塔(Christopher Intagliata

翻译 许楠

审校 郭晓


Musicians are said to have better language skills. And scientific studies have backed that up. But it's not clear why that might be the case. 


Now a study of 74 Chinese kindergartners suggests six months of piano lessons can heighten the brain's response to changes in pitch. And kids who got piano lessons were also better at telling apart two similar-sounding Mandarin words, which contained different consonants, than were students who got extra reading training, or who went through regular kindergarten. 

The results are in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Yun Nan et al., Piano training enhances the neural processing of pitch and improves speech perception in Mandarin-speaking children]

近期一项对74名中国幼儿园小朋友的研究表明,为期六个月的钢琴课,可以提高大脑对音调变化的反应与接受过额外阅读训练或者正常上幼儿园的孩子相比,学过钢琴的孩子更善于区分包含不同辅音两个发音相似的普通话单词。该研究结果发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上( Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences[Yun Nan et al., Piano training enhances the neural processing of pitch and improves speech perception in Mandarin-speaking children]

Now Mandarin is a tonal language—the famous example is the word 'ma' which can mean mother or horse depending on its pitch. So might musical training translate better to Mandarin, than, say, English?


"Yeah it's possible that influenced the results." Robert Desimone, a neuroscientist at the McGovern Institute at MIT. But he says other studies do back up the fact that music lessons benefit language learners, even in countries without tonal languages. "And what our study added on top of that was some idea of the neural basis for those benefits."

是的,有可能会对结果造成影响。 麻省理工学院麦戈文研究所的神经学家罗伯特·德西蒙(Robert Desimone)说。但他其他研究也支持音乐课程对语言学习有益这一事实,即使是在没有音调语言的国家中。我们的研究为这些结论提供了神经基础方面的解释

And if you don't own a piano, don't despair. The reading group actually did just as good on many measures as the piano group. "Reading's pretty good actually. We don't mean to downplay reading instruction."


More important, he says, was to show piano wasn't worse than reading for these skills… perhaps encouraging cash-strapped schools to keep their music programs alive.


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