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最新发布时间: 2018-12-12
 The birds are arriving in the Arctic up to 13 days earlier than they used to. But at a cost: hunger.


撰文\播音:安妮·斯尼德(Annie Sneed



Every spring, a bird called the barnacle goose migrates from the coast of the North Sea to the Russian Arctic, where it breeds. That’s a 3000-kilometer trip. Along the way, the geese usually take pit stops to rest and refuel.  But the Arctic spring has been arriving earlier and earlier.



So researchers analyzed six years of barnacle goose migratory tracking data. To try to figure out if these geese—and other species like it—can adapt their migration, to stay in sync with the changing seasons.



 “Then we used satellite images to see when snow was melting in the Arctic, and then we could relate the timing of the birds to the snow melt.” Bart Nolet, an ecologist at the University of Amsterdam.

我们使用卫星图像来观察北极什么时候融化,然后我们可以将鸟类的迁徙期与雪融化的时间联系起来。阿姆斯特丹大学的生态学家巴特诺莱特Bart Nolet说。


Nolet and his colleagues found that the geese did not leave their wintering grounds sooner to match the earlier Arctic spring. But they did speed up their trip—by skipping many of their usual stopovers. The birds arrived in the Arctic up to 13 days earlier than they used to. But at a cost.



 “So in a normal year, they start laying their eggs right after arrival. But now they spent more than a week foraging before they laid their eggs…. So in effect, they weren’t that much earlier than would have been the case. As a result, the chicks that hatch from the eggs in that early year, they survive much less than normal. Probably because they missed the food peak, which is a combination of very high quality in the grass, and enough grass around. And that food peak is around three weeks after snow melt, but now they were a few weeks later.”

在正常的一年,他们在抵达后立即开始产。但是现在他们在产卵前花了一个多星期的时间觅食...... 所以实际上,他们的产卵时间并没有比往常早多少因此孵化出的幼鸟,存活率远低于正常水平。可能是因为这样孵化出的幼崽错过了草地面积充裕且草质高食物高峰期。食物高峰期约为雪融化后的三周,但现在孵化出的幼崽时已经食物高峰期几周。


With devastating effects.



 “We looked at the daily survival of the goslings... If you calculate it over the whole month, then it’s quite dramatic, they decrease from 20 percent to only 2 percent surviving. It basically means that not many goslings are surviving in such a year.” The study is in the journal Current Biology. [Thomas K. Lameris et al., Arctic Geese Tune Migration to a Warming Climate but Still Suffer from a Phenological Mismatch]

我们研究了小雁每日的生存情况......如果你整个月计算,那么情况非常带有戏剧小雁的存活率20%减少到只有2%。这意味着在这一年里没有多少小雁存活下来。这项研究发表在当代生物学 杂志上。


So why don’t the geese just leave their wintering grounds earlier?



 “When it’s an early spring in the Arctic, it’s not necessarily an early spring in the wintering area. So the birds cannot use any cue that’s related to what’s early or late spring to leave.”



But Nolet does think there’s some hope they might be able to adapt. “We know that the goslings learn their migration from their parents, so there’s a lot of learned behavior in it. So it may well be that in the course of time, some birds discover that they have to depart earlier from their wintering areas to be able to time their migration perfectly, and match it with the Arctic.”


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